domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014

Apps gratis sobre educación

Webs para consultar sobre educación

Helpful (or just plain fun) websites to know.

Hojas de otoño

Con las hojas de los arboles que caen en otoño podemos crear diferentes animales.
Una actividad divertida para hacer con los niños el fin de semana. Primero podemos salir a pasear para recoger las hojas y luego crear divertidas formas.

Juego para inventar cuentos

story stones storytelling ideas Mommy Labs

Una buena idea para jugar con los niños.
Podemos pintar y decorar piedras, con personajes, animales, colores,...
Luego las metemos en una bolsa y con la mano iremos sacando de una en una, con las imágenes que vayan apareciendo nos iremos inventando una historia.

Abecedario monstruoso para los peques

Cuento de vegetales para los más pequeños

Cuento para concienciar a los más pequeños sobre el peligro de extinción de los tigres

Cuento en inglés sobre comida

Cuento en inglés

Juegos muy divertidos para la bañera

I’ve been meaning to share this awesome idea with you! The Brooding Hen posted a great tutorial on making bath toys out of hardware store supplies! My boys LOVED the bath as toddlers and this would have been SO awesome for them. It could be a fun gift too! 
You could also set up a fun water station outside but since most of you are stuck inside because of the weather most of the day some bath fun might be just what you’re looking for!
Go to the Brooding Hen for the full “How to”

Crea este divertido avión con tus hijos

For this project, you’ll need:

1. Make a Coin Slot

Cut a rectangular slot about 1 inch long and a ½-inch wide in the side of the bottle. This is where you’ll drop coins into the piggy bank, so make sure it’s large enough to fit at least two quarters side-by-side.

2. Design the Fuselage of Your Plane

Draw two identical pieces for the back half of the plane that look like upside-down Ls. (These pieces are going to make up the back half of the fuselage and the plane’s rudder.) Tip: Draw one side, and then use it as a stencil to draw the second side. That way, both pieces will be identical.

3. Attach the Paper Fuselage and Rudder

Once the two pieces are cut, attach them to the plastic bottle with two-sided tape. Pay attention to where the coin slot is – you’ll need to cut into the paper over the coin slot opening.

4. Draw and Cut Two Engines

Draw two identical rectangles about 4 inches long and 1 inch thick on card stock paper. These are going to be your engines. Cut the rectangles out and then roll them into long tubes.
Tape the tubes, and then attach them to the plastic bottle, one on either side. Note: You want your tubes to touch the “ground” because the engines also serve as “feet” to stabilize the plane piggy bank.

5. Draw and Cut Two Wings

Draw two identical triangles with rounded tips on your card stock paper, which will become your wings. Cut them out and attach the wings above the engines. Tip: It helps to fold a tab on the long edges of the cones for easy attachment.

6. Draw and Cut the Plane Propeller

Using the bottle cap as a guide, draw your plane propeller. The bottle cap is going to secure the propeller onto the bottle, so you want the circle opening to be slightly smaller than the cap so it doesn’t slip over it.

7. Add Any Details

You now have a basic plane, but you can add some personality with extra card stock paper! Draw, cut out and affix windows and back wings. Let your child flex their creative muscles and draw faces in the windows.

Los sonidos de los oficios

Los sonidos de los oficios.

Divertidos animales en inglés.

I can see the brown yak.
Can you see the blue fish?
I can see the big pig.
Can you see the tan dog?
I can see the happy fish.
Can you see the queen bee?
I can see the blue cat

Pequeña historia en inglés

I saw a ship I ripped my lip I sipped my pop I eat pop corn what am I hint it starts with c guess
I sleep I don’t peep I am soft what am I hint it starts with b guess
I hear a meow I here it quick what am A hint it starts with c
I see a soft rain it is cold I run in the house what am I hint it starts with s
I see a liquid in a hole I drink it hint it starts w
Nothing fun sitting no fun hint it starts with g
A master or a guardian sweet and funny in your life forever it starts with m
Bunnies in the room playing all day thinking of staying forever guess a party

Mirad este divertido muñequito

This guy is a wannab cool.
This guy is a wannab prated.
This guy is a wannab superhero.
This guy is a wannab soccer player.